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Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Sneak Peek at our Guest Designers...

Wondering who will be guesting with The*Fairy*Godmothers for the upcoming Forever in Blue Jeans launch?? Here's a sneak peek for our fans...

Keep watching for some great contests that will be running during the launch!! Details coming soon...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Welcome to our NEW TFG members!!

The*Fairy*Godmothers would like to welcome some FABULOUS designers to our group!










Welcome to all of these FABULOUS ladies to our design family!

It's almost Time!!

It's almost time for our Anniversary Launch!

We're thrilled to have some fabulous designers joining us as our Guests!! We've been working on our sets, cooking up some fabulous collabs, and having fun working with some awesome designers! Keep an eye out for a contest that will be running along with this launch. The winner will receive a SPECTACULAR SURPRISE TFG Prize Basket!!