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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Magical Meeting

Some of our very own Fairy*Godmothers got a chance to meet at Walt Disney World just before the holidays. Let's just say the rest of The*Fairy*Godmothers were (and still are!) a tad bit jealous! Not only were they in the Most Magical Place on Earth, but they got to meet some very special, talented, goofy, and awesome friends!!!

Shamiki - K.I.D.Kreations, Laura - Waughzee's Wee Wonders, Jennifer - Schmoodles Boutique, Dena - Designed*By*Dena, and Deann - KaraJes*Designs.

You look great ladies!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Welcome to The*Fairy*Godmothers blog!! This is the place to be to watch for all of our members listings, launch info, fun contests and givaways too!! Keep your eye out in the New Year for more Beautiful Boutique Items from your favorite group - The*Fairy*Godmothers!!